Legal notices
The owner and publisher of this website is Centre Informatique Bureautique et Services Techniques (CIBEST), a Societas Europaea (European Company) with a share capital of €169,500.00, whose headquarters are located at 7 rue Christiaan Huygens, 25000 Besançon, France. The company is registered at the Trade and Companies Registry under number 34090332700047.
Its intra-community VAT number is FR 96 340903327.
You can contact CIBEST by telephone at +33.(0) or through the contact form that is available via any page on our website.
Website design
7 rue Christiaan Huygens
OVH, SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with a capital share of €10,069,020.00
registered at the Trade and Companies Registry in Lille, France, under number 424 761 419 00045
APE code: 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
59100 Roubaix – France
Responsible publisher: Octave KLABA
Links to other websites
CIBEST’s websites propose links to third-party websites. These links are established in agreement with the third-party websites when CIBEST deems it appropriate to do so, taking into consideration the contents and services on these websites. CIBEST cannot be held liable for the content on these websites and how it will be used.
Intellectual property
Access to CIBEST websites grants you private and non-exclusive use of these websites. All articles, photographs, and other documents on the website are either the property of CIBEST or have been authorized for use by their owners and are subject to royalties and other intellectual property rights.
The business brands, logos, and personae (known collectively as the “Brand”) found on this website are the property of CIBEST or its partners. No interpretation can be made in favour of license or any other right to use the Brand displayed on the website.
Fraudulent use of the Brand or any other contents on the website is strictly prohibited. CIBEST will fully exercise its intellectual property rights to engage in legal proceedings, if necessary.
Unavailability of websites
CIBEST commits to doing its best to ensure users can access its websites at all times. IBEST cannot be held liable for any cause whatsoever in the event of unavailability of the websites.
Photo credits
© Johann Cour, CIBEST, Unsplash, Freepik